

Friday, December 14, 2012

First set of Mods

So here is my first set of mods.  You must go to %appdata%/.minecraft/bin directory and place these files into the minecraft.jars file and the armor file..

you must also have minecraft modloader.  This is for 1.45

Here is the RAR file for the Minecraft Mods.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

minecraft mods

hello its caleb im just telling you about my minecraft mods im gonna post the links on this blog so im making an emerald mod there are emerald armor and tools (with some obsidean armor and tools) so also im getting my freinds two help me with this blog so by

Sunday, December 9, 2012

kool inc

hey its caleb just giving you a heads up on kool inc the youtube videos im doing they should be up soon on stopher969s channel but i have no clue when there coming out (i hope in the next couple days) so just wait but im posting the vids on here just please may you tell your freinds (and people you hate) so i get more veiws so bye caleb