

Friday, December 14, 2012

First set of Mods

So here is my first set of mods.  You must go to %appdata%/.minecraft/bin directory and place these files into the minecraft.jars file and the armor file..

you must also have minecraft modloader.  This is for 1.45

Here is the RAR file for the Minecraft Mods.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

minecraft mods

hello its caleb im just telling you about my minecraft mods im gonna post the links on this blog so im making an emerald mod there are emerald armor and tools (with some obsidean armor and tools) so also im getting my freinds two help me with this blog so by

Sunday, December 9, 2012

kool inc

hey its caleb just giving you a heads up on kool inc the youtube videos im doing they should be up soon on stopher969s channel but i have no clue when there coming out (i hope in the next couple days) so just wait but im posting the vids on here just please may you tell your freinds (and people you hate) so i get more veiws so bye caleb

Friday, November 2, 2012

skylanders giants

hey guys on sunday the 21st of october i got skylanders giants its really fun  i finshed it allready i love the new modes  do you guys have it yet please tell me in the comments i only have one comment right now and its from my dad  so please ask me questions tell me somthing and tell your freinds about this blog and watch this video i hope i get more figures soon bye caleb

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012


ive uptated jetvac and shroomboom with videos i also have this chrusher video watch

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

my ninjago vid

this is a cool stop motion i put togther for you i call it ninjago bloopers

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012


                                                              "hawk and awe"

jet-vac was the greatest, most daring flying ace in all of windham, he was given magical wings when he was young, as was the tradition of all the sky barons. but when his homeland was raided, he chose to sacrifice his wings to a young mother so she could fly her children to safety. this act of nobility caught the attention of master eon, who soght out the young sky baron and presented him with a gift - a powerful vacuum device that whould allow him to soar through the skies once again.
 jet-vac accepted the gift with gratitude, and now he daringly fights evil alongside the other skylanders

                                                                   jet vac on the portal of power

Sunday, September 2, 2012

pop fizz

                                                                 "motion of potion"

nobody is quite sure who pop fizz was before he was an alchemist, least of all pop fizz himself. after many years of experimenting with magical potions, his appearance has changed quite significantly. in fact no
one knows his original color. but its wildly known that he is a little crazy, his experiments are reckless,
and the accidents they cause are too numerous to measure. understandably, he has had a difficult time finding
lab partners, or anyone that even wants to be near him. in hopes of making himself more appealing to others, 
he attempted to create the most effective charm potion ever-but that just turned a big, wild, berserker, or maybe that's just how he saw the potion working in the first place......
pop fizz on the portal of power

Saturday, September 1, 2012

jet vac video

i love jet vac dont you so watch this super cool video


                                                              " he shoots he spores"
                 shroomboom was most unfortunate to have been born in a pizza topping garden
                 belonging to kaos. growing up among his fellow fungi, he knew it was only a matter of
                  time before a late midnight craving. so shroomboom took a twig and a strand of spider web
                  and made a slingshot. one by one, he launched all of his friends over the garden
                 fence before flinging himself over to join them. then he guided to the edge to freedom, using
                his mushroom cap to catch a freindly breeze, now as a member of the skylanders
               shroomboom countiues to preform couragous deeds....but is hard to find on pizza night
shroom booms toy

hot dog

watch these videos if you like hot dog

tree rex videos

cool right

warning: not about skylanders

i want to show you a minecraft music video watch

pop fiz gameplay

pop fizz my hero cool right

bouncers gameplay

awesome right

all skylanders

arent these cool tell me in the comments

skylanders giants:ninjini video

is't it cool shes my second favorete giant